The Digistar Users Group provides a forum for discussion and exchange of information concerning the Digistar digital planetarium systems. We also provide a means for exchanging Digistar content; and for maintaining a dialogue between member sites and the Digistar system manufacturer, Evans & Sutherland, on matters of service, improvements, and other subjects of mutual concern and interest.
Lots of stuff! Recent and archived newsletters, conference information, standards documents, access to the DUG library, and a directory of all DUG members. In addition, there are directions on how to subscribe to our email listserve. The DUG library alone is worth the $40(US) annual membership fee. The library currently holds hundreds of Digistar models and complete showfiles.
If your Digistar system has been installed within the last year, most likely your DUG dues have already been paid by E&S. If you have any questions about your membership status, email our DUG Treasurer. Visit our Membership page for more information.