Registration & ScholarshipsDUG 2024 Registration is now open! Register here Please register to attend DUG 2024 either in-person or remotely. For remote attendees, most events will be available via Zoom. All registered attendees will receive links to events so in-person and remote attendees can interact. Everyone attending DUG 2024, in-person or via Zoom, must be registered in advance. Check if your institution is a member (you can contact us using the Contact link) If not a member, you can renew or join using the Membership tab. Dates: October 7, 8, 9: Pre-Conference Workshops (a summary of the workshops being offered can be downloaded here) Prices: In-person registration is $125/person In addition to registration, each site must be up to date on DUG registration dues. These are US$40 per year per site. Payment Instructions: For Paypal & credit cards: For Cheques (Please note that we can only accept checks from banks within the United States): Mail to: Attn: McKay Nielsen Talks and Demos: Call for users to present at the conference - Please consider sharing how you are using Digistar in your theatre! Please fill in this form if you wish to be a presenter at the conference. (Note: if you cannot attend DUG either in person or virtually, you can still submit a DUG Demo!)
Scholarships: DUG is able to offer a limited number of scholarship to help defray the costs of travel and accommodation. To apply for a scholarship of up to $1,000 to help defray accommodation and travel costs. Read this Criteria document then fill in this Form and send a letter of support from the applicant's supervisor/manager to Colin Hutcheson ( |